About Us

Speech and Language Therapy

Here at Be in Bloom, we create personalised programmes for you and your child. We prioritise a parent-centred approach, partnering closely with parents/caregivers every step of the way. Through a consultation and initial assessment, we can pinpoint the perfect path for your child’s communication development.

Our Therapists are fully qualified and licensed professionals



Arrange a 10-15 minute informal phone consultation with a Speech and Language Therapist at Be in Bloom. In this session, you can discuss any concerns you have about your child’s communication skills, and receive expert advice on the best course for your child’s communication development.




Initial assessments usually last around 90 minutes, which includes observing and assessing your child, as well as discussing their case history with you. These sessions take place in the comfort of your home. An additional 30 minutes is needed after the appointment to create a written summary of the session. If you need a more detailed report afterward, this can be discussed and arranged during your 15-minute consultation (starting price £70).




Therapy sessions take place at home, where your child can feel comfortable and regulated. They typically run for around 45 minutes, though the duration may vary depending on your child’s needs. The fee covers a full hour, which includes valuable time for note taking, providing feedback and exchanging information with parents/caregivers, and/or education staff after the session.

£70 per session

Our Speech and Language Therapists are dedicated to supporting your child’s growth and helping them bloom in the following areas:

Attention & Listening

Your child’s capacity to maintain focus on an activity and take in information. The most crucial skills for good communication are paying attention and listening. Everything else in communication depends on being able to focus and listen well.

Understanding of Language

Your child’s understanding of spoken words and sentences. This includes; instructions, questions, stories and conversations.

Speech Sounds

Speech sounds are the sounds we make with our mouth to say words. When we talk, our brain first gets an idea, then tells our mouth which words to say and how to make the sounds. It also sends signals to the muscles in our tongue, lips, and jaw.


What your child is interested in and how they play with activities or toys. Playing helps your child learn how to interact with others.

Expressive Language

How your child uses words and puts words together to build sentences.

Social Skills

Social skills are the skills we use daily to interact and communicate with others. They encompass both verbal and non-verbal communication, including speech, gestures, facial expressions, and body language. This includes use of AAC (Augmentative & Alternative Communication), such as, Sign-a-long, communication boards/books or apps to communicate.

What parent’s say

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Ramona Altenwerth